April 2014 Issue 92

ACT Exporters
Singapore is a major trading hub and plays an important role for companies willing to expand to the South-East Asian region. Singapore is particularly strong in the manufacturing, wholesale/retail trade and services sector. The country is host to multinational companies from various industries and geographies. In the ICT sector, Singapore is host to more than 80 of the world's top...

ACT Chamber
It would be difficult to exaggerate the value of networking to business however, the fact that a sizeable, but decreasing number of businesses don't take full advantage of the networking opportunities available to them is truly surprising. Networking can be a powerful and cost-effective tool when used properly, providing both businesses and their customers with tangible benefits, some of which...

April 2014 Issue 92
This year is shaping up to be a big one for business in Canberra and the Capital Region. We all know that it will be a year of significant challenges for the private sector and the ACT economy but there have been a number of significant "wins" for business recently. The challenge The protracted period of uncertainty caused by our...

April 2014 Issue 92
It is commonly understood that over 80% of businesses fail in their first 12 months of operation. A further 50% fail within the next 12 months. Is this symptomatic of business operators not being good at what they do? Not necessarily. What those statistics do not reveal is that often the idea that spawned the business is insufficiently supported by...

A recent legal case in the Victorian Supreme Court has highlighted the importance of ensuring that the correct GST clause is used in business contracts. A properly drafted GST clause can avoid any problems or unintentional financial consequences. Last month the ruling illustrated the continued difficulties (and disputes) with regards to GST and real property transactions. In this case the...

April 2014 Issue 92
The use of temporary workers in Australia is no longer a quick fix but a long-term staffing solution for employers, according to the Hays survey of temporary workers and their employers. Our survey found 31.2 per cent of organisations consider temporary workers to be a key component of a long-term staffing strategy. This ranks above their use to overcome permanent...

April 2014 Issue 92
Your self managed super fund (SMSF) can borrow to invest in real estate. Over the last few years more Australians are realising the benefits of managing their own super and in particular, investing in property through their super fund. Dreaming of spending your retirement on a golf course, or sailing the Greek Islands on a yacht? Aren't we al. Well,...

April 2014 Issue 92
Google is pretty clever when it comes to delivering relevant content to web users. You might have noticed that when you search for a phrase on your office computer, you get a different set of results to when you search for the same phrase at home. You can thank Google for that. When you search for something online, you are...

April 2014 Issue 92
Starting a new business is an exciting time. A difficulty which often arises is getting all necessary legal advice, documents and structures in place prior to starting. Even though cash flow can be tight when starting off a new venture, this is an important time to receive professional advice, as it may limit the risk of unintended issues arising after...

April 2014 Issue 92
As a proud member of the nation's Capital I felt enormous pride on Canberra Day. It was great to see locals soak up the sun and get outside for all the community events in February and March. Although only a handful of community events were targeted at health specifically, the social atmosphere from the Balloon Spectacular, Enlighten and the Canberra...

April 2014 Issue 92
Statistics tell us that these days people are staying at home for longer; marrying for the first time older and starting families later. As a result, most couples entering into a de facto relationship or a marriage are bringing more to the table than ever before. It is for this reason that couples are increasingly opting to enter into Financial...

April 2014 Issue 92
With the price for real estate, parents will often assist their children to obtain their first property by advancing money to that child. In happy times, it is of great assistance to the child. However, if that child's marriage fails, then the funds may be lost in the matrimonial settlement. In a recent case in the Family Court, a father...

April 2014 Issue 92
In late 2013, The Australian Institute of Company Directors released its Directors Social Impact Study which explored governance issues across the not-for-profit sector. The disability sector received specific attention with the major changes occurring in this area. From 1 July 2014, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) trial will commence in the ACT, and many organisations are gearing up for...