Issue 112 February 2016

Expert Advice
'Looking to invest in Canberra? Like all astute investors you know the next important step is choosing the right agent. Here are my 11 tips for a stress free property investment. 1. Have 2 months mortgage payments in an offset account, just in case there is an unexpected expense; e.g. a tenant is a couple of days late in the...

G2B: Chief Minister’s Message
The Federal Government's innovation agenda announced by the Prime Minister and Minister Pyne is a significant policy shift that will certainly have some benefits for Canberra. At the very least, the agenda rights many of the wrongs inflicted by the Abbott-led government that put thousands of Canberra jobs at risk over the last few years. Canberra is fast becoming the...

Associations To Business
The ACT has weathered a number of challenging years with a slowing of the global economy combined with a substantial contraction in the employment and spending of the Australian Public Service. A deficit of over $400 million is forecast for the ACT Budget in 2015-16. The strength of the ACT's business sector has played a key role in protecting the...

Expert Advice
'It's the start of a New Year, and the time when employers often think about the skills they need to add to their team for the year ahead. If you are thinking of recruiting, remember it's just as important for you to brush up on your interview skills as it is for the jobseekers who will apply to your role....

Issue 112 February 2016
In 2016 we celebrate 10 years of publishing B2B Magazine. We have seen a lot in those 10 years and have many people, and businesses, to thank for their support during that time. First, some observations of changes in the publishing industry. The most obvious from my perspective is the rapid advance of technology both in the way B2B is...

Cover Story
If you have a building with a back-up diesel generator, it's critical that this power source kicks-in when there's an emergency. Your business must continue to operate without delay. Local company Power Protect, is helping businesses, and large organisations to do just that. But Power Protect do far more than this. They supply and maintain the complete range of backup...

Expert Advice
'In December 2015, star NBA basketball player LeBron James signed a rumoured $500 million lifetime deal with Nike, the world's largest sneaker seller. Paying half a billion dollars to a person in the home stretch of his career for endorsement of your products seems crazy, right? Well no, actually. While time will tell, it is almost certainly a good deal...

Expert Advice
'When it comes to money, I rely heavily on the advice of my accountants and financial advisers, even though I consider myself better than average in my understanding of money, finance and investment. I am, however, smart enough to acknowledge this is a complex environment, and hubris is not my ally when it comes to making sound decisions for my...

Expert Advice
'I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year break. New year brings new excitement, new dreams and renewed vision. Digital Strategy can be a primary vehicle to achieve your business vision. Many set goals every year, success however comes to those who act. This article can help you model your digital strategy this year. Step 1: To build...