Issue 112 February 2016

Business Sustainability
'Finding it hard to implement environmentally sustainable practices into your workplace? You're not alone. One of the most challenging barriers to creating a more environmentally sustainable workplace is getting staff to change their behaviour. Changing behaviour requires critical reflection of current behaviours. A quick audit, for example of how staff dispose of waste generated in the office will identify current...

As previously noted in this column, disputes in relation to Wills are on the increase, particularly in cases where the deceased was in a second marriage or a de facto relationship. In such cases, it is not uncommon for a family provision claim to be made, either by the second spouse or by the children of the deceased. In some...

An organisation's Vision, Mission or Values have traditionally been a fairly static statement of intent sitting in a business plan or on a website page barely seeing the light of day. It is supposed to represent the central value of an organisations existence, but the words and intent often appears so generic or bland that the meaning and impact is...

This is the clear message from the National President of Strata Community Australia, Erik Adriaanse (FCPA) (FPS). "The Australian strata sector is a separate branch of the property industry and shouldn't be confused with the broader real estate and property sectors," Erik stated. This statement is borne out with the rapid growth of Strata Community (SCA) Australia. SCA currently has...

Canberra Legal Group is a fresh new chapter in a story that began in 1997 with the establishment by John Nicholl of Nicholl & Co, with just one lawyer and two staff. Now one of Canberra's leading firms, with 14 high-calibre and determined lawyers, Nicholl & Co celebrates its growth and success with a new brand, a new look, and...

The summer silly season in Australia has just passed, with Christmas and the New Year being celebrated under our blazing sun. How do you usually experience this time of the year? Some people find it relaxing and wonderful, whilst others have the most stressful time of their lives. These are very different reactions to the same season. Change, whilst normal,brings...

The story of a broken relationship with a bright future, an industry on the brink of technological revolution, the detrimental nature of competition, and change... When we think of real estate agents, we think about some smug overpaid guy in a suit, probably responsible for the horror stories of days gone by when he wasn't to busy stealing Christmas presents...

Family Law
'In certain circumstances, a person may be liable to provide ongoing financial support to their former spouse or de-facto partner following separation. This is called 'spousal maintenance'. How is Spousal Maintenance determined? The Court looks at two main factors when determining an application for spousal maintenance, including: 1. Does the Applicant have a need for financial support? In other words,...

Expert Advice
'Small Businesses will soon have the right to request removal of unfair terms within new standard form contracts (from 12 November 2016). This will provide small business with protections afforded to consumers in the Australian Consumer Laws adopted in 2010 (the ACL). New Amendments The new amendments to the ACL provide a clear path to having unfair terms in eligible...