If you are a B2B enterprise it makes senseto be advertising in the B2B magazineand other vehicles just like this, to reachthat specific, highly targeted market. Youknow the audience and you are not wastingdollars in a “scattergun” approach, whereyou have no idea of the audience you arereaching. Of course, creativity and clarity inyour messaging should certainly be a feature.Creative approaches will differentiate you from your competitors.
Your business should also be considering supporting local creative community initiatives. Corporate social responsibility isan idea that has been around for decades,but it has certainly gained currency of late,since global communications and socialmedia make such mass exposure possible.Supporting a “not-for-profit” organisationoffers positive exposure and wide reach.Indeed, it is creating meaningful experiencesfor many. There is an army of corporationsout there who have not only recognised thisnew opportunity, but have embarked onpartnerships with Not-For-Profits, in creative marketing projects.
But there are lessons to be learnt.
Take the Pepsi Refresh Project, whichwas originally a social impact strategy thatPepsi embarked on, after making the bolddecision to replace their expensive advertising for the Superbowl. They partnered with manycharity organisations and it was a campaign”for good”, which asked such questions as”What do you care about?” and urged us to”Do good.” But it was far too broad, muchtoo wide, and with too many stakeholdersinvolved. It wasn’t long before Pepsi changedtheir tack – they now have a new approach.They are now tapping into a “Live for now…”philosophy and cashing in on our need intoday’s world, to be living in the here and now- instant gratification – as well as the WIFMfactor. (What’s in it for me?) It’s an interestingcase study and there is a good analysis ofwhat went wrong here: http://www.good.is/posts/why-pepsi-canned-the-refresh-project
So, is it a swap from “do good-ing”and does it infer that we have become ahedonistic society, only interested in self andno one else?
Well, not really! Psychology tells us that wedo indeed care about others and the growingarmy of volunteers in this country atteststo that. But we do care about ourselves too.What makes sense from a business marketingperspective is an approach that benefitsus and benefits others at the same time.Research shows that people feel good whenwhat they spend on, benefits others. Pepsirecognises this and so too, should we!
Now, if you find a not-for-profitorganisation that you can support, whichprovides a unique cultural and entertainingexperience for the many, you have the rightformula for a successful marketing campaign!You see it’s a win-win-win formula fromall stakeholders. And if that organisation isa cultural asset to your own city – a localfestival with the highest per capita attendanceat music events in Australia, then that’s aproposition well worth your consideration!
The Canberra
Music Festival
There is growing recognition that musicis one of Canberra’s greatest cultural assets.Canberra is home to a vibrant and dynamicmusic scene and the Canberra InternationalMusic Festival (in its 19th year), is regarded asAustralia’s foremost fine music festival, in partdue to its policy of commissioning new worksfrom Australia’s leading composers. It’s theFestival’s point of difference.
Businesses will benefit from an associationwith such a major annual event, which isone of the highlights of the Centenary ofCanberra celebrations in 2013. The Festivalshowcases the very best of what Canberrahas to offer. And it is just one example of acommunity run event, which provides a rangeof opportunities for partnerships with thelocal business community.
Greater engagement by Canberra’s business community in developing ourcultural assets will deliver long-term benefits- a culturally vibrant community is a greatplace to live and work as well as a major tourist destination.
The following options are available forbusinesses that wish to support a localcommunity run event like the CIMF:
* Contribute to the CIMF annualCommunity Commissions Fund ($150 -$5000) All the funds to support the Festival’scommissioning policy are raised from externalsources. The CIMF 2013 Community Commissionwill support the commissioning and presentationof Great South Land, by the prominent Australiancomposer, Peter Sculthorpe. The Festival is seekingto raise $20,000 to fund the commissioning ofwhat will be the largest and most ambitiouswork it has commissioned to date. The work willpremiere at the 2013 CIMF.
* Support an individual concert
($1000 – $2000)
* Support an international artist performing in the Festival
($2000 – $5000)
* Naming rights to a concert of your choice
* Become a long term sponsor
(various levels of sponsorship available
commencing at $5000)
Of course, there may be other creative ways your business could support this local festival.
The Festival presents more than 30concerts and runs from 10-19 May.
“Hearing is Believing”. For more information
and enquiries go to www.cimf.org