From left to right: Amy Burr, Noor Blumer and Phil Schubert
On 1 July 2016 Mark and Noor Blumer, welcomed two new directors to Blumers Lawyers for the first time. Amy Burr has worked for Blumers since 2001 and Phil Schubert since 2008.
“We were really spoilt for choice when we wanted to expand Blumers and take on new directors,” Noor Blumer said.
“It’s great to have a sense of renewal and for younger lawyers to bring new ideas and energy to the firm,” Mark Blumer said.
Mark and Noor came from Griffith NSW in 1998 and by 2000 were the proprietors of Blumers Personal Injury Lawyers, a boutique firm dedicated to pursuing claims for Canberrans injured in accidents.
From taking up half of one floor at the top of the AON building on London Circuit, Blumers Lawyers has expanded to two floors.
“We love where our office is – right across the road from the courts.”
“It is gratifying that a large percentage of our clients came to us by personal referral. It reflects a high level of satisfaction by our clients,” Noor explained.
Blumers also get many referrals from other professionals.
“Because we specialise, lawyers can feel confident sending their clients to us, because we won’t be trying to take over the rest of their business. There is also the assurance that we offer a specialised and high quality service,” Mark said.
Amy Burr is an ANU graduate who started with Blumers after experience as a paralegal and then as a solicitor with another firm. There is not much Amy hasn’t experienced in that time.
“I have been part of the Blumers ‘family’ for so long now that it felt perfectly natural to take this next step,” Amy said.
Phil Schubert graduated from the UNE but also has a Master of Laws from ANU, and originally started his legal career in the public service.
“I really love to help deserving people. I have seen the firm grow and am excited to be part of the next chapter,” Phil stated.
Blumers Lawyers use the highest quality practice management software available, which has meant they have been pioneers in the use of technology.
“We became a paperless office on 1 January 2007. No more of those great bulky files of the past, where things tend to get lost.
All our files are entirely kept on our system, and it makes it much easier to ensure that files are being properly run and allows any of our lawyers to pick up easily if someone is away,” Noor said.
Blumers continue to play a leadership role in the ACT and National legal community.
Noor Blumer served for two years as ACT Law Society President and has previously been President of Australian Women Lawyers. Mark Blumer served a year as National President of Australian Lawyers Alliance (ALA) and has also been an ACT Law Society Councillor.
Amy is a member of the Complaints Committee of the Law Society and the ACT branch of ALA. She has also served on the Young Lawyers Committee, ACT Women Lawyers Association committee and as Chair and Secretary of the ALA’s local chapter.
Phil Schubert has been on the Council of the ACT Law Society since 2013 and is an active member of the ACT Law Society Civil Litigation Committee, as well as being a current member and past Chair of the ACT branch of ALA.
T: (02) 6208 2600
T: (02) 6208 2626
E: [email protected]
Level 12, 15 London Circuit Canberra City ACT 2601