Switching your business’ existing lights to more efficient LED lights can save you thousands of dollars in lighting costs each year, as over 1,000 ACT businesses have discovered.
Upgrading your lights can be absolutely free, thanks to the ActewAGL Big Business Light Switch. The program helps ACT businesses save on their energy costs with licenced electricians removing business’ existing traditional lighting and installing new energy-efficient lights.
St Vincent de Paul Society stores across Canberra have already started to benefit from upgrading their lighting in 2017.

The St Vincent de Paul Tuggeranong shop will save up to $5,000 per year after upgrading their lighting with the Big Business Light Switch.
St Vincent de Paul’s Canberra Regional Manager, Paul Quinn said, “All five of the St Vincent de Paul stores across the ACT received light upgrades through ActewAGL’s Big Business Light Switch.
“By upgrading our old lights we can expect to see around $15,000 of combined savings from all five stores annually. This is a wonderful outcome and all money saved will go back into supporting the local community.”
The St Vincent de Paul Society Tuggeranong was the 1,000th Canberra business to upgrade with the Big Business Light Switch.
At the heart of Vinnie’s fundraising is its second-hand stores, which bring in around 50% of the charity’s income. With five stores and a warehouse in Canberra, keeping the lights on is a major expense.
Around 200 lights cover the Tuggeranong store’s shopfront and vast warehouse. For this one store alone, Vinnies expect to see their energy costs reduced by up to $5,000 per year.
“Changing old inefficient lights to LED lights in businesses is a no-brainer. LED lights are significantly cheaper to operate, require far less maintenance due to their longer life and provide greater comfort levels for customers and staff,” says Todd Eagles, Manager of Energy Efficiency at ActewAGL.
Since January 2017, ActewAGL has replaced over 100,000 glass fluorescent lights with new super-efficient LED globes.
“The customers that participate will make between 60-80% savings on their lighting costs, get brand new lights, and a brighter working environment,” says Todd.
“With an average saving of around $20 per light, per year, ACT businesses are already saving about $2 million.”
Do you know a Canberra business that needs to make the switch? Find out more at actewagl.com.au/business-lighting or call 1300 789 002.
Original Article published by Emily Morris on the RiotACT.
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