Are you making the most of all the benefits and strategies at your disposal to build your retirement savings?
Will you have enough to retire on?
Are your other assets working hard enough? Not sure?
1. Are you taking advantage of super rules to boost your retirement savings?
Australian super rules may allow you to grow your retirement savings tax effectively. Being proactive and strategic in your approach to retirement planning can have a big impact on the end results in terms of when you retire and the lifestyle you want.
2. Are you eligible for government benefits?
Make sure you’re aware of tax offsets and benefits that can help supplement your income and boost your retirement savings. These may include the Age Pension, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card and Senior Australians and Pensioner Tax Offset.
3. Are your investments keeping up with you?
Be aware of what you want your portfolio to deliver at each life stage, a well constructed portfolio should have an asset allocation that is tailored for you and should be regularly reviewed.
4. Do you have a strategy to manage volatility?
As people move closer to retirement the amount of their wealth exposed to investment markets is at its highest. We refer to this as the “Retirement Risk Zone”. It is important to adjust your portfolio in the right direction at the right times leading up to and into retirement.
5. Are you confident you have the right support in place?
Professional advice can help you improve your financial position now and for retirement. Engaging a qualified specialist to provide you with quality advice can help generate the best retirement outcome for you and give you confidence in your finances.
6. Are you regularly reviewing and adjusting your plans? Set-and-forget strategies can be costly. Pursuing regular and meaningful discussion helps keep your plan aligned to your situation, and takes advantage of regulatory changes and new investment opportunities. It’s about keeping your finances in the best position possible to achieve the lifestyle you want to live in retirement.
Planning for your retirement doesn’t need to be hard work. We believe the journey to a self-funded retirement should be enjoyed while you’re saving for it, as much as when you’re living it.
Let us help you explore your choices today

If you would like to find out more information, contact Robert Turner on 1300 264 485.