A lot of things have changed since we visited MTAA Super back in 2015, not least of which is its refurbished Brisbane Avenue headquarters.
The 26-year old Fund has been on a transformative course since 2011 that has seen investment performance accelerate into Top 10 league tables and a number of awards being won in recognition of its achievements.
For the financial year 2015/16, MTAA Super achieved:
- 4th place ranking for rolling one and three-year investment returns for its MySuper balanced option.
- 4th and 8th place ranking for its default pension option for rolling one and three-year rolling periods. (Source: SuperRatings’ SR 50 Fund Crediting Rate Survey for June 2016)
Leeanne Turner, who has been CEO of MTAA Super since 2011 is incredibly proud of the MTAA Super team and its ability to adapt to internal change while also managing and responding to an unprecedented level of external industry change.
MTAA Super has repositioned for its next chapter with a new five-year Strategic Plan that broadens its focus and maintains a commitment to deliver a quality service to members. Inroads have already been made with the transition in late 2015 to a new superannuation administrator, AAS – a move that has resulted in significantly improved platform capability.
More recently, the Strategic Plan has been brought to life with a full scale rebrand that has left no corner of MTAA Super untouched – except the name, which the membership, acknowledging the 25+ year heritage in the motor industry, voiced loudly, should remain.
With a five-year strategic plan in place, the MTAA Super team felt the time was right to reposition the Fund for its next chapter.
Vision, values and culture
Much of the change has stemmed from the Fund’s brand blueprint including its vision to be the most inspiring superannuation fund in Australia.
“The new blueprint helped drive some much needed clarity on our vision, mission, values and proposition. It was also instrumental in setting the stage for a larger conversation with our staff around what they would like to see in terms of a workplace culture and setting,” Ms Turner explained.
Out of this has come a completely redesigned office space that facilitates collaboration and teamwork.
Through the brand blueprint, MTAA Super recognised that the right visual identity in the largely homogenous superannuation category could also help it better connect with members who might not be interested in their super just yet. So the team, took on the task of refreshing the Fund’s look and feel.
Well-known Sydney based agency Hulsbosch was engaged to help bring the transformation to life.
“The team at Hulsbosch have been instrumental in helping us achieve the change we wanted. Their 30+ years of expertise enabling some of Australia’s biggest brands to navigate the complex rebranding process across multiple stakeholders was an important driver of our decision to partner with them,” Ms Turner said.
What followed was a deep dive into the superannuation category and a series of discovery sessions with key stakeholders at all levels.
“The 3-week long discovery process allowed us to uncover some important truths about the superannuation landscape. One of the biggest affirmations was the fact that communications, both visual and written across the super space were quite uninspiring in terms of look and tone.”
A few months and many focus groups later, MTAA Super arrived at its first visible transformation – a new logo and striking new colour palette. The change has been well received by members and employers alike who consider that it reflects fresh and energetic optimism.
Back to basics
Hulsbosch branding agency director Jaid Hulsbosch echoes, “We broke from brand elements of the past such as the old imagery, colours, copy writing and typography and found ways to make MTAA Super unique and stand apart in its industry.”
Resolved that the new MTAA Super had to be more than just a ‘cosmetic’ overhaul, Ms Turner championed the need for the Fund to get back to basics and adopt a more direct and easy to understand tone in all its communications.
“We must never lose sight of the fact that we exist to help and serve members. In a sector with a high rate of apathy, ensuring our communications are as transparent and easy to understand as possible is critical in building trust with our member base,” Ms Turner outlined.
To this end the Fund’s Marketing, Communications and Digital teams together with six external design, digital, advertising and media agencies set out to deliver best practice design thinking strategies to effectively respond to member communication needs.
Focused on members
While MTAA Super’s heritage is with the motor industry, close to a third of its members are from outside the industry.
“It’s important that we acknowledge our evolving membership and project an image that stretches beyond motor, one that is inclusive, connected and embodies our spirit of ‘community and mateship’,” Ms Turner shared.
The new tri-colour palette resulted from a new information architecture based on our target audience. And a number of other visual devices including iconography and typography were created to help bring the logo to life.
The member focus has also been highlighted with a brand new image library that showcases real members and employers of the Fund, many featured in their everyday work settings. Employing high impact black and white styling complemented with ‘real member stories’ and testimonials, the team at MTAA Super has been hard at work on energetic new campaigns to win both the hearts and minds of members.
And the rebrand didn’t stop with communication material, MTAA Super also rolled out a new device responsive website that has been designed to be as user friendly as possible and based on member feedback.

Back in the spotlight
Earlier this year, MTAA Super, established a partnership with Triple Eight Race Engineering to sponsor TeamVortex, its newest team headed by Craig Lowndes.
“Craig has been a great ambassador for the sport over the past twenty years and truly represents the Fund’s values of integrity, entrepreneurial spirit and community. Further, by leveraging Craig’s broad appeal beyond motorsport, MTAA Super builds greater awareness and strikes a strong emotional connection with existing as well as new members,” Ms Turner explained.
After eight years off-air, MTAA Super returned to the spotlight with its new advertising campaign at the Summer Olympics. The “It’s our choice campaign” features Lowndes in 30 second and 15 second TV spots, radio advertising, digital display banners and outdoor billboards.

New space, new start
Last but not least, is that refurbished office space on the third floor of MTAA House in Barton. The spacious, light filled open plan environment has been universally met with excitement by its staff and Trustee Board.
The new office design incorporates features gleaned from staff input including a large, modern staff breakout area, a collaborative new office floor plan, incorporating quiet rooms and multi-functional meeting and a revitalised green outdoor space.
With its energetic new look and renewed strategic focus, the team at MTAA Super is ready for anything “I am really proud of the team,” says Ms. Turner. “We are an industry fund, so everything we do is for the benefit of our members. That is understood by everyone at MTAA Super, from the Board and throughout the organisation. Culturally that’s terrific.”
She believes that the success of MTAA Super is driven by having a culture where people are passionate about new ideas and ways to benefit the fund and its members. If the last few years are any indication of what’s to come for the Fund and its 50-strong team, the next few years will definitely be one to watch.
MTAA Super was established in 1989 and has 26 years’ experience in mvvanaging members’ retirement savings. As of 30 June 2016, MTAA Super had $9.2 billion in funds under management and has approximately 250,000 members.
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