July 2016 Issue 117

Business Sustainability
The 2016 Actsmart Business Sustainability Awards celebrate Canberra businesses that have ramped up waste management and recycling and improved their energy and water use. What is amazing about the businesses at this year's awards is their diversity, proving that any business in the ACT can get smart with sustainability and save money at the same time. There are 12 winners...

Expert Advice
What a great time of the year. Olympic Games, Wimbledon, Tour de France, football codes getting closer to finals. I love major sporting events. Competing in Olympic and Common wealth Games were highlights of my "former life" as an athlete. Working as an in-house lawyer on the 2006 Commonwealth Games and the Volvo Ocean Race are highlights as a lawyer....

Expert Advice
Why choose Maloney's After 20 years in property management I would like to point out why I think we lead the way in property management. 1. We are a company big enough to be systemised, organised, structured and well resourced, however, small enough to care about our clients 2.Our website has a major focus on property management and is a...

Expert Advice
Forty per cent of employers expect to increase their permanent staff levels in the coming year, with engineering, IT, HR and distribution departments tipped to see the biggest job growth, according to findings in our 2016 Hays Salary Guide. This far exceeds the 13% of employers who expect to decrease their permanent headcount. Engineering professionals will be the biggest beneficiaries...

Expert Advice
It is sometimes said that the law is an ass. In the case of strata legislation the most pervasive issue is usually lack of rigor and prescription around how an Owners Corporation should go about its affairs. Pleasingly in the ACT we have seen great improvement on that front since our jurisdiction upgraded its strata laws in recent years. Although...

Expert Advice
We are living in the age of Attention Economy! If you are still measuring your digital marketing success with the number of clicks, you are doing it wrong. Our (human beings) average attention span is about 8 seconds, which is shorter than that of a goldfish. An average page visit lasts less than a minute. On a mobile device, it's...