August 2015 Issue 107

5 ways your accountant can help you save money
Not sure who to trust for business advice? If you only use an accountant for taxes then you are overlooking an important resource. An external accountant can provide vital knowledge about your industry and its key players. Just a quick catch-up will give you an idea of how your business is doing relative to competitors. By benchmarking in areas like...
An investment in peace of mind
August 2015 Issue 107
Thinking about buying or building a property? Building insurance is likely just one thing on your long 'To Do' list - but as it's so important, should you make it number one? Understanding the hidden costs Whether the property you're about to purchase is a home or an investment, if it's severely damaged or destroyed down the track, the costs...
What bookkeeping will look like in 2025!
August 2015 Issue 107
I attended a conference the day before and listened to a series of speeches on digital disruption. For those unacquainted with digital disruption, the term basically refers to the change brought about by new digital technologies and business models that are affecting the current value proposition of existing goods and services. This phenomenon is expected to eliminate up to 60%...