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We’re all worried robots will take over our jobs one day, but what about when robotics actually help improve our quality of life? One doctor passionate about leveraging robotic technology to improve patient outcomes is Dr Damian Smith – skilled orthopaedic surgeon and a pioneer of robotic surgery in Australia. And we’re lucky to have him right here in Canberra....

Family Law
Searching for a lawyer is a delicate process because legal matters are often especially personal. You want to know that the law firm and lawyer you choose will take the time to understand your situation, and has the expertise to help you. For an individual or someone with a small business, that's not necessarily an easy task given the complexities...

Those who love the legal profession are spoiled for choice in Canberra, with fantastic career opportunities available in both the public and private sectors. But a good job with great conditions and an enviable culture can be hard to find, regardless of your industry. Competition is tough, and securing a permanent role with a law firm, business or the internal...

Tax season is well and truly upon us, and the question on every Canberran’s lips right now is... how do I pay less tax? With so many enticing ways to spend our money, paying more tax than we need to certainly isn’t one of them. A few weeks ago, the Federal Government’s plans to increase the low and middle-income tax...

Local Leaders
It’s rare to find someone who enjoys their work so much that they’ve stuck with it for more than a decade. But for Peter Grady, stepping into mobile lending was a decision he made with confidence…and that was over 25 years ago. With a passion for people and being out and about in Canberra, Peter has become one of our...

More than 50 years since the start of the feminist movement in the 1960s which saw greater numbers of women entering the workforce, workplace gender equality is still a contentious topic. While society has come a long way, certain industries still struggle to achieve an ideal balance. The legal profession is undoubtedly one such industry, frequently dominated by “boy’s clubs”...

On Friday 29 March, business leaders, influencers, media and avid supporters will come together at Hotel Realm to support the Menslink Big Night Out. Now in its third year, the annual event has become a crucial part of Menslink’s fundraising calendar, with monies raised going directly to support the important work Menslink do. According to Menslink CEO, Martin Fisk, the...

Would you pay a mortgage broker upfront to find you the best home loan? Even if it meant using some of the funds from your hard earned deposit? This is one of the recommendations from the Hayne Royal Commission into the financial services sector, detailed in a final report released last month. The report concluded months of investigation and thousands...

Local Leaders
As a business consultant, mum of two, President of the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Association, and President of her daughters’ school P&C, Kirsty McGovern-Hooley is one very busy lady. The once high-flying media and advertising executive spent over 15 years with one of Australia’s largest advertising and marketing agencies before relocating to Singapore where she directed the media...

On 1 January 2019, a new standard for lease accounting came into effect, affecting any organisations that lease buildings, offices, retail spaces, cars, equipment and even intellectual property, from a lessor. The new standard, AASB 16 Leases, is being implemented globally by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). It requires calculating the entire cost of a lease agreement (from the...

The Personal Properties Securities Act 2009 (PPSA) came into effect on 30 January 2012, providing regulation for personal property that is used as security, and clear reporting of security claims by creditors over particular goods and assets. As a result, the Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) was established. The PPSR makes it easy for consumers to check if an item...

1957. It's a year that many of us weren't born or would barely remember, but for those who love their morning shows, nightly news, or Netflix binge sessions, it's a year that made a lot of it possible. At the time, television was a rare commodity in Australian households, even though it was already mainstream in the United States. Perry...

Family Law
On the surface, Christmas is one of the happiest, most magical times of the year – filled with love, laughter and memorable moments paved with green and gold. But the underbelly often takes on a different complexion, with many people admitting that Christmas makes them nervous and irritable as they struggle with budgeting and buying gifts, planning and cooking meals,...

Canberrans love a good auction, with many ACT home owners choosing auction over other sales methods to sell their properties. In addition to driving competition between potential buyers, an auction provides the opportunity to truly test what the market is willing to pay – rather than relying on assumptions of value. This can be particularly useful in a volatile market,...

On the morning of 10 September, to commemorate World Suicide Prevention Day, Lifeline Canberra and the Canberra community walked Out of the Shadows and into the Light to remember people who have lost their lives to suicide, and to discuss suicide prevention openly and in a supportive environment. 60 people gathered on the steps of the Australian War Memorial to...

Business Law
It’s a Friday night, and you and your best mate are sitting at the pub having a couple of drinks. He’s telling you about his new business and lamenting that if he only had the money for a great website to promote it, he could be making a fortune by years’ end. Knowing you’re a web developer, he asks you...